Many years ago, God decided it was a good time for me start the business He had placed in my heart several years prior. I love God.. A LOT! So, whenever He gives me an assignment, I usually have no problem obeying. Now this one took me a minute to act upon. Not because of the assignment itself. I had been counting the days I could be free from working for other people and embark on the road to doing what I loved to do, which at that time was starting a local magazine. What had me hesitant was the timing. You see at the time I received this message I had been going through a divorce, recently homeless, laid off from work, and had 2 kids under the age of 5. I felt broke, defeated, and even embarrassed by my circumstances and God picked now to tell me to start a business.
I was like , "Really, Lord? You know I am not in any position to do that now." His response was "Yes. I know." You know that look of "duh" your child may give you when you express the obvious? I was that kid that day to my heavenly Father. Something didn't add up here. God expected me to do something He knew I was not capable of doing? Four words later I was humbling myself and giving God the yes He deserved. Those four words were more of question: DO YOU TRUST ME?
Those words floored me. I had been serving God since a teenager and throughout my life He had proven to be trustworthy, so how could I say no now. I said, "Father, I trust you. I just don't understand why now of all times." I heard the word ELEVATION. God spoke and said "An elevation in your natural life happens when you elevate your faith." You see the bible tells us it only takes mustard seed faith to move mountains. God spoke to me and said "I'm calling you to move nations and this is your start." Start? Start of what?, I wondered. God revealed to me the start of my faith journey.
Again confusion. I trusted God. At least I thought I did. In my mind nobody had faith like me after all I'd been through at the time. So what did a faith journey mean? What did it entail? Needless to say, I was nervous, anxious, and scared. I soon learned it was about me willing to be pushed past my abilities and truly believe God for what my eyes lacked the ability to show me at that moment. I truly had to live on what I believed in my heart God had promised me. I had to believe in any stumbling blocks that came I would be able to overcome. I had to believe God would be with me always to face any and all situations that came up that I alone could not handle. I had to keep telling myself I could do it when others doubted me and the vision I saw for my life.
I speak quite a bit about these past faith experiences because as I embark on this new journey, it helps to remind myself how strong and capable I really am. You see I learned on that journey those many years ago that I was a lot tougher than I thought. I was reminded that God loves me unconditionally and when I put faith to action exciting things happen beyond my wildest imagination.
You see, faith is truly all God is asking. Your faith says I believe you are who you say you are. I believe you can do what you say you can do. When you have faith, you are telling God, I know you got me. And that He does. So, wherever you are on your journey, know its gonna get really rough and crazy if it hasn't already, but that's okay. Determine to allow faith to get you through. Not only will your journey be that much more enjoyable, (yes, even the hard parts!) you'll be truly floored what it teaches you about yourself. The best'll see God move in ways you couldn't have imagined!
I'm praying many blessings to you!
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