My usual routine in the morning is devotions and reading. I try to not miss that time because is really sets the tone for my day. The last few days were a bit off schedule for me and my devotions were happening in the wee hours of the morning. But, today, I got up my usual time to pray when I heard God say to read Joshua 1:1-9. Now the story talks of God's leading Joshua and the people of Israel on to the promised land after Moses' death. In those few short scriptures, God tells Joshua to be courageous at least 3 times. I was struck by that when it was revealed to me that this is the message for my own life in this moment. I've been working on this blog, a book, and starting a business for a while now. It has not been easy to do for me because I tend to get in my own way. I am one of those people who like to strive for perfection, not realizing our version of perfect can really be a hindrance to our efforts of accomplishing even the simplest things. So I tend to take long...